Our secure online account service allows you to view and pay on your Rieman Music in-store account. We'll need to get some basic info from you in order to activate your Online Access:

(This is required for Option 2 and 3... Please read the "Here's how it works" section below if you wish)

(You've completed Step 1 already)

(You've completed Steps 1 & 2)
PLEASE NOTE: Payments made online less than 48 hours before your regularly scheduled auto payment will not prevent the auto payment from being processed.
Here's how Online Billpay works...
First, You will be required to create a Website Account if this is your first time here.
Next, You'll request access to your Store Account. You must have a current in-store account with us. You'll need to visit the Online Account Request Page where you'll verify your contact information. After submitting your request, you'll be taken to a confirmation page to insure that your request was securely sent to us.
Your Website Account is different from your Rieman Music Store Account. Once we receive your request, your Website Account and Rieman Music Store Accounts will be linked. On future visits, you'll have access to your in-store account just by logging in.
You will receive an Email notification with login links when your Online Account Access has been activated. Since we personally review all Account Requests for your safety and security, it may take up to 2 business days to activate your account. In most cases, we will activate your account within 2 hours during normal business hours.

Before granting schools and businesses online account access, we require an official letter from your school or business stating the name(s) of the person(s) authorized to access your account(s) online. The letter must be printed on your school’s or company’s letterhead and signed by the school administrator or business owner. Please mail your online account access request to:
Frank Rieman Music, Inc.
Attn: Adam Genskow
4420 E Broadway Ave
Des Moines, IA 50317
Questions? Call Adam at 800-372-6051 or email Adam at [email protected].
All personal account information is secured using the latest in 128/256 SSL data encryption technology. For more information, see our Privacy Policy page or http://www.digicert.com/ssl.htm for an SSL tutorial.